Ideas » another pvp idea
Read from beginning
teeta: I hate this idea. -bad- There is no PvP enjoyment for me. -bad- All this will do is make it easier for you to bully smaller players and annoy bigger players. Go to Server 2 or Server 3 for your ";PvP Enjoyment" and leave the rest of us alone. :(
11-04-10 08:38
mallows: thanks tek :)
11-04-10 04:22
robotchicken: i like it. . Best way to steal a quest would pk the other person hehe
11-04-10 04:01
smash: pretty good idea
11-04-10 03:35
mallows: i forgot this part: if the other player has his pvp turned OFF and the other player has his pvp turned ON then the no gold, no exp and no item lost mechanics will be applied. both players pvp must turn ON to get an items, gold or exp to a defeated opponent.
11-04-10 03:32
mallows: i forgot this part: if the other player has his pvp turned OFF and the other player has his pvp turned ON then the no gold, no exp and no item lost mechanics will be applied. both players pvp must turn ON to get an items, gold or exp to a defeated opponent.
11-04-10 03:30
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