FAQ & Information » New 140 Recipes
blackmamba_: You should put all of them lol
20-07-01 04:50
mvp123: Damned Fortune (shield)
Damage: +200-400
Armor: +1250
Dexterity: +150
Endurance: +150
Wisdom: +150
Prot. from Earth: 75%
Class: Barbarian
Level: 140
20-07-01 06:53
20-07-01 07:28
mvp123: My bad please delete my post
20-07-01 07:30
rust_dragon: Inventory
The Incoming Storm
The Incoming Storm
Legendary item
Armor: +2500 (-2007)
Strength: +200 (-550)
Dexterity: +500 (-632)
Endurance: +200 (-932)
Wisdom: +200 (-932)
Prot. from Fire: 75%
Class: Assassin
Level: 140
20-07-01 07:42
blackmamba_: Recipes not crafted one:R
20-07-01 08:19
lozen: Recipe of Doomfletch

Recipe of Doomfletch
Craft this recipe with required items and receive a legendary item.
Amazon's Death's Whisper (VII)
Crusader's Death's Whisper
20-07-01 10:33
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