FAQ & Information » 2021 march new fresh DRAGON ms n other ms
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oppo: Rust dragon's Magic scroll (II)
Rust dragon's Magic scroll (II)
Crafted with gear items.
Damage: +375
Armor: +375
Health: +3750
Stamina: +375
Strength: +375
Dexterity: +375
Endurance: +375
Wisdom: +375
Prot. from Earth: 75%
Level: 120
21-03-25 06:31
oppo: Faerie dragon's Magic scroll (II)
Crafted with gear items.
Damage: +300-450
Strength: +150
Dexterity: +300
Endurance: +300
Wisdom: +1350
Level: 120
21-03-25 06:33
Pahina: 2/2
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