Ideas » How to make this game more attractive:
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exodus: Moderator toker, it could be added some in mobile site that suites. But the main purpose of this idea is to attract new comers. Facebook is a huge social network. We just need to attract them to join us and play this game.

To Administrator dreamer, i've noticed that the Facebook BlackDragon application is not yet updated with the PVP system. Players can't attack them when they were using facebook application. I'm wondring if this system is a way for other players that wish not to be attacked by others. Or not yet updated.

A while ago i've noticed that the system in facebook application has a Higher percentage of drop rate or i just get lucky or something.
11-04-17 14:02
sepsis: Good idea exodus. Well thought out and expressed.
11-04-15 03:11
waters: i like the sound effect part, how about tok3r rapping while we're battling
11-04-14 22:23
tok3r: Its a great idea, but alot of us play soley on phones. But i do like the merit points for mods.
11-04-14 22:18
exodus: Before i came up with this idea. I've noticed that there's a lot of blank parts in facebook application.

How about we fill it out...

First, to make the page more interactive, i would like to suggest that the chatbox will be placed in the right side of the application. With emoticons,some prank command like for example a Crazy laugh that makes you annoy.

Additional commands:
For Moderators:
They have the power to mute,to send warnings,ban for a definite time, and a power to take charge if the other moderator is not acting the way it suppose to be (a demerit points for the given moderator/s).

For Players:
They can put a merit points for the moderator who helped them or taught them.

Second, i prefer to put a little life with the game by putting a soundtrack,and sound effects.
*Your character has been attacked! (sound effect) a voice over effect.
When your character die. A little moan in the background.
A little signature line from different NPC.
And an inbox voice over or atleast a glowing sign saying you've received a message.

*a soundtrack for a certain place.
>when your in a city, in a land,castle,arena,battling,and Pvp.

*sound effect for win or lose battle.

*and a chat tones,emoticon sounds, and other command sounds.(silence!) a voice over etc.

Lastly, there must be a fixed part for a certain page.

Left side, this part is for the game. Right side. game chat box,and clan chat box.
To prevent of the page for being so spacious.

This is just an idea,not a demand.
Thank you.
11-04-14 22:00
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