hoang4: I'm planing to make a wiki. But who will read it?
23-03-24 15:01
piercer: I suggest to create BD wiki but i think the problem is managing the wiki cause dreamer is busy updating and making gpvp rounds. You can check library and forums for guide though.
22-06-22 22:14
drake_rodriges: so i messaged dreamer about this idea that i had and so far i have had no responce for a couple of days, so im going to ask the comunity to see if they want this. the main reason i want to make this is because theres alot of omitted things that new players wont understand till they are told by the comunity like runes and itam titles and stufflike that, but allso the the more expirienced players of ware a enemy is located and theres higher level stats thatis not avalible in the library. on top of that i want to write a guide on what are the best stratagys for each class including death angels and diablos. onthing that i wish to acomplish with this idea is to show you the inside of the game, like the the real percent chances of getting an item title, the chances of getting a good rune with the CR system shop, stuff like that. if i get to do that tho, i have to talk to dreamer, but thats optional stuff. in anycase, i want to hear your opinion on this wether i should make one for not. untill then, see you around.
22-06-22 19:10
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