Ideas » Let's have a peace by will,and a war by choice:
Read from beginning
exodus: Tournament: I would like to suggest that
before the tournament they will
be given the time to study
oppenent's capability, setting
strategy,proper gears and of
course who may be their
Second, if the character is not
online simply because of the time
zone i would like to suggest that
even they were offline they can
still battle as long as they have
set their spells settings or not.
Third, the process of the
tournament will be still based
with the old one. If you lose, your
Fourth,Since level bracket can
make the great equality so far
even though they were geared up
so nice its not the problem.
That's their reward for hard
Lastly,the rankings of champions
will be posted by level brackets.
And this tournament is always
open every week.
11-04-17 23:44
exodus: I found an error in the credits issue regarding PVP and Forced Clan Wars.

I would like this to be put together in FRENZY MODE. So that while they were on that status their PVP status will be activated.

There will be a TWO-WAY challenge. If your clan's castle has been challenged you can avail this too so that you can have the chance too capture the clan's castle of the challenger. But still it's a choice if you will avail this. It's fine if you've been challenged and you just need to guard your castle.

*castle that has been challenged no other clans can interfere.
*if the challenger succeed by capturing that castle. That castle will be at the status of sanctuary. Castle can't be captured in that certain week.
11-04-17 07:33
exodus: Moderator vafunculo, it doesn't matter if all your member is not online on a certain time. The event is on-going the whole day. You can retrieve if your castle has been captured. Or there is still a time for other members to help.
11-04-16 20:09
vafunculo: what I was saying about time zones is this...very hard to get all players online at same time.
11-04-16 19:01
exodus: Many*
11-04-16 18:11
exodus: I'm fully aware about the time zone. Just like hunting Quests.

The time zone to be used is what blackdragon is using. And the Schedule of clan wars is the Whole day. 00:00-23:59 of sunday.

It's like Hunting Quest Units. All you can kill. Castle shall be guarded well or at the same time your striving to capture another castle. So you can retrieve your castle or capture other's castle until the end of the day.

I may have any ideas. I'm just making a continuous proposal for future updates if dreamer liked it. I can't thank you enough for helping me explain this matter.
11-04-16 18:10
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