Ideas » Let's have a peace by will,and a war by choice:
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exodus: In the process of Clan wars. The main objective is to kill,conquer and capture all the castles if you can. But before the clan wars you can just capture one castle and it your clan obligation to guard it if you want to be part of the clan wars.
11-04-16 09:21
exodus: Another one, all of those who are fond beating players when clan wars is on-going there will be no level restriction. BEAT THEM ALL , IF YOU CAN. But this is not included to the PVP RANKINGS (clan wars). Just for that certain day.
11-04-16 09:18
exodus: Moderator vafunculo, first of all i would like to thank you for your complement. But this idea is concern with other aspect in the game. Take a look at this and visualize:

If clan wars will be held everyday the other events will be set aside. It's all about organizing...

The bright side of this schedule is you can do quest, pvp when your other member take charge on guarding the castle.

Yes,since pvp was always on you can attack the intruder and at the same time you can have a chance to top the Pvp and compete when it reaches sunday for clan wars.

And for the registration matter ,How come we can manage to go back to battle arena just to heal/revive our pets? And no offense if this idea implemented it will be part of the game whether others like it or not.

Just give it a shot. All of us can deal with the slow stamina regeneration and yet waiting for the said day for clan wars is not practical? So what's practical then?
I'm trying to help dreamer by posting my ideas to improve our beloved game,survive,and attracts new comers. Is it hard to cooperate?
11-04-16 09:10
vafunculo: exodus, your creativity is very high, but what you are proposing is not one will wait till a certain day to fight for a castle, nor will people want to register. they want to log on and play when it's convenient for them, not have to plan in advance to play. you like I said are very creative in your idea but not practical at all
11-04-16 07:26
exodus: It's ok Moderator drame. Same with what i've posted some likes it some just didnt fond with it or not yet ready.

Awesomenezz, would you like to be killed by a hundreds of level gap? If they reach the top level. It's their karma (good karma).
11-04-16 01:19
drame: Yes, I said that - Capturing castle is some kind of clan war. And forgive me but I don't really see sense of registering. But in my opinion idea with rewards for best pvp player is a good idea :)
11-04-16 01:08
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