Ideas » Let's have a peace by will,and a war by choice:
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awesomenezz: i this idea im xure lvl 80 will not agree because they dont even have many enemies only few reached lvl 80...
11-04-16 01:07
exodus: Moderator drame, the idea if this implemented. Before you can capture a castle you need to register first. So the game will now become sytemized by the registration. Clan wars is inevitable from capturing a castle.
11-04-16 01:03
drame: In my opinion I
was acording to those sentences: 'Clans must register too. Before capturing a castle.' 'Lastly, one castle per clan.' And also capturing castles is some kind of war. In my opinion, only rules of caputuring castles could be changed.
11-04-16 00:59
exodus: Your not getting the point Modarator drame. No offense but read it again.
11-04-15 23:52
drame: But it my opinion it makes game more simple. And it also should be real. Idea with battle arena registration is good. But let's talk about others. In real life nobody will wait for saturday or sunday for clan war. Every one will wait for opponent's abstractedness to make a sucessfull attack. And in real life nobody will register for war because they just go and try to capture it :P
11-04-15 23:41
meatpuppet: good idea
11-04-15 23:17
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