Ideas » Unity and Order: Black Dragon
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awesomenezz: moderators would not just post some ridicolous ideas and if they did the other moderators can still delete and if they did such thing they will be kicked from their moderator status..
11-04-16 01:01
vafunculo: there is no point to this system, what purpose would it serve? silly idea
11-04-16 01:02
exodus: The idea Moderator Vafunculo was to make it systemized. If deleting of posts is the only solution it could end up the same. And the evaluation of their performance will be clean.

It's like a politician who didn't reach the credibility of there duty. And yet there fellow politician will put an action how to cover that issue and soon be trashed. Would you like to be a part of that government?
11-04-16 01:10
exodus: Their*
11-04-16 01:11
vafunculo: again, refer to sepsis post about people ganging up on a moderator that they don't like
11-04-16 01:26
exodus: Moderator vafunculo, thats why it needs to be agreed first by all the moderators or a verdict from dreamer.
11-04-16 01:29
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