Ideas » Unity and Order: Black Dragon
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exodus: Moderator vafunculo, in your opinion what is power? And what do you think why they don't like a person?
11-04-16 01:31
vafunculo: I have no power trip issues and moderator has no power to do anything....we are here to help with game questions and keep the chat clean and peaceful, so again I say this idea is silly, a mod can't do anything without dreamer knowing about it. he if the moderator police
11-04-16 01:57
sepsis: ;D You know you like me Vaf! You just don't want to like me. -rofl-
11-04-16 02:10
vafunculo: I do like you sepsis, never said otherwise lol
11-04-16 02:17
exodus: It was a psychological question. What ever you may say Moderator vafunculo, i rest all my cases.
11-04-16 02:48
mallows: no solution will ever be establish if u will always look on the negative side of other peoples idea sepsis
11-04-17 13:27
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