Ideas » Why we feel we need deconstruct
nightshadows: Deconstruct makes it much easier to switch gears. Without deconstruct we have to pay for unscroll then turn around and pay for unsocket so that we can place title and runes into new gear. I would much rather pay once to have it all separated. Especially since I just got back here and when I took a break we had the option. Plus as hard as it is to get powders above mythic we should get get it as well and then just have a basic recipe to sell. At least for heroic rarity since you now have divine rarity.
23-02-04 22:54
bios: *with that condition its ok bcz its too pricely when we put that divine item for ingres ;(
23-02-04 21:34
bios: Ok , here my opinion about deconstruct.
Yes we need deconstruct here not in pvp server , bcz new items lvl 150 are out ,
*Deconstruct not lost our powder ( divine powder are so hard to obtain ) about prices dreamer you can think about it .
23-02-04 21:32
scylla-: To not have to wait for timelock for example, and if we want to gear up a weaker char we can deconstruct the items so it gets lower level to use them on lower level accounts
23-02-04 20:47
-timeless-:   You: I'm going to make a forum so people can explain why we want it and what we use it for in game. Then you'll know I am just voicing people's opinion that it's gone. They can speak for themselves why it's important to them.
23-02-04 20:35
-timeless-: So dreamer wants our opinions why we wish we still have deconstruct in game. Please contribute your reasons why. Your voice in this matter is important!

dreamer: explain please, I want to understand it so possible alternatives could be

Thank you for taking your time to check out this forum. Please take your time to give your thoughts.

23-02-04 20:31
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