Off-topic » whats your favorite whiskey.
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lightning: Lmao the nipples that go in my mouth are not on a bottle
11-04-22 05:27
ch0ps: no worries lightning. i understand you just got the nipple of your bottle. one day you can have a real mans drink. NEXT!
11-04-22 00:16
lightning: A shot glass wont fit in my beer bottle lol
11-04-21 04:36
ch0ps: oh whiskey makes you stupid huh. ya sip it, go easy. dont slam it down. or in the big boys world. take shot glass full of whiskey. drop it into your glass of beer and down that baby! ((((BuRp)))) ahh so good!
11-04-20 14:06
lightning: Whiskey makes me stupid
11-04-19 02:32
smash: u drink vaf?
11-04-18 23:52
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