Off-topic » favorite beers
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chops: best beer... micro brew Mayflower pale ale! expensive... but tastey! yum yum!
11-07-10 16:27
chops: also Jack drinkers dont have a clue what real whiskey is about. most jack drinkers sit behind there daddy shed. sneaking a smoke acting like thay been around block a time or two! lol kids
11-07-10 16:32
chops: Westford is a fine sipping whiskey. pull up old rocking chair on the porch. put your feet on the rail, lite yourself a tastey cigar. sip and watch the boats go down the river!
11-07-10 16:47
chops: But to many sips you wind up falling backwards and bump your head like i do, like i do. like i, wait i already said that. ha!
11-07-10 16:52
the_death_dealer: im more jager fan
11-07-11 06:07
teeta: Beer guys... not hard liquor or liqueur...
11-07-12 12:57
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