Ideas » A log and Recycle Bin: Moderators
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vafunculo: as I have already spoken to him about you earlier today
11-04-18 20:21
exodus: I already PM Administrator dreamer regarding with what you have done. I'll just wait for the result. Am tired defending myself to you. All my concern is to help. I rest all to Administrator dreamer.
11-04-18 19:55
vafunculo: your post was removed because it didn't belong in that thread...I told you and terror told you to post in ideas forum...that thread is for sign up to tournament only. I don't want to read thru you endless posts to see who wanted to play on tournament.
11-04-18 19:48
exodus: Since i've experienced to be power tripped heres an idea to take control that overflowing power of moderators.

A log in which all post that has been deleted will be known by who was responsible for that action.

A Recycle bin in which all deleted post will be saved in order to become a strong evidence.

Log and Recycle bin can't be deleted by Moderators.

if a moderator accidentally remove that post for no reason, it can be retrieve and posted again. Only Administrator dreamer has the power to retrieve such post.

I am exodus of VANQUiSH clan.
11-04-18 18:39
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