For those that do not know; dealing as much damage as possible is kind of the ‘meta.’ In GPVP the bosses/dragons have significantly higher dexterity so most players are hitting them as infrequently as possible (there is a minimum hit chance).
Further, for a character in G1 with exclusive gears and average boost accuracy is only a problem in dungeon lvl.75+ and medium+ Antagarich maps (endgame). So of course, dealing as much damage per hit is the objective.
How damage is calculated:
Strength that is displayed on your profile:
1. (Your strength base from all items/runes/titles + class bonus) + (CJ bonus + boost bonus).
Keep in mind the parentheses here group significant functions.
Damage displayed on your profile:
1. (Base strength from items + strength class bonus) + damage class bonus.
2. This value is then added with (CJ + boost)% (combine CJ + boost values).
3. Add to this value the difference between (base strength + class bonus) and (CJ + boost bonus).
This is your total displayed damage.
How much apparent damage do exclusive scrolls have?
>I have listed some high value damage scrolls…
These figures will consider both royal and supreme classes:
>Royal x4 Gaia (V) (500% total) and Max CJ boost (30%)
>Supreme x3 Gaia (V) (375%) and max CJ boost (+ 30%)
Class will be level 150 (80% strength & 100% damage)
Capricorn's ...
Damage: +2500
Strength: +2250
Royal actual: 90,895
Supreme actual: 72,732
Scorpio's ...
Strength: +3000
Royal actual: 85,860
Supreme actual: 68,310
Aquarius' ...
Damage: +750
Strength: +2500
Royal actual: 79,500
Supreme actual: 63,375
Sun Wukong's ...
Damage: +500
Strength: +2500
Royal actual: 76,850
Supreme actual: 61,225
Sagittarius' ...
Damage: +1555-2555
Strength: +1555
Royal actual: 66,287
Supreme actual: 53,080
Perkūnas' ...
Damage: +1500
Strength: +1500
Royal actual: 58,830
Supreme actual: 47,055
Ares' ...
Damage: +600
Strength: +1800
Royal actual: 57,876
Supreme actual: 46,146
Colossal Titan's ... (II)
Strength: +2000
Royal actual: 57,240
Supreme actual: 45,540
Aries' ...
Damage: +300-3000
Strength: +1000
Royal actual: 46,110
Supreme actual: 36,960
Cancer's ...
Damage: +2000
Strength: +300
Royal actual: 29,786
Supreme actual: 24,031
One point of damage is converted into 10.6 damage for royals, and 8.6 from supremes. Whereas 1 point of strength adds 28.6 points of damage to royals, but 22.8 points of damage to strength.
Under max Gaia (V) charms (4 and 3), when comparing items or titles, one point of strength is worth 2.698 (royals) to 2.651 (supremes) times one point of damage.
So for scrolls like Capricorn’s v Scorpio’s, Scorpio essentially has 2250 (same) str and 2024 damage, 476 less damage stat than Capricorn.
Further, using only Gaia (i) charms and a limited 15% CJ boost, a single point of strength is worth 20.61 Damage for Royals or 16.56 damage for Supremes. A single point of damage awards half as much in displayed damage compared to strength.
GPVP Runes
50% str bonus from class, average at higher level.
0% str bonus from CJ
X3 Gaia (I) used, 75% str and 300% strength.
591 dmg for Un (Lvl.70) 45 str
656 dmg for Num (Lv.80) 50 str
830 dmg for Mal (Lv.100) ~ 100 dmg
976 dmg for Lem, 1953 for Lem (III)
560 dmg for Vex
560 dmg for Ist
560 dmg for Jah
Yeah, thats it.
23-10-25 17:39
bladsy: 1/1