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bork: vafunculo: paladins and necro have damage spells, so why should druid be the only class able to perform a distance attack?

ANSWER: coz paladins have it all.imo, but im not a hypocrite to not like this to happen for us paladins.

2. pvp was implemented to increase difficulty and game excitement level, if players want to avoid being attacked they should port out of zone if they fear attack.

answer: you're so powerful that's why you can easily type those words. im not being sarcastic btw.honestly speaking im one of the prey type to this pvp you brought back. so for our point of view, if you wanna attack us preys, catch us in our exact spot.

3. I am not saying if those rings are enough or not enough just pointing out that rings do exist for caster.

answer: i wanna point out again that there still are no updated title yet (weapon title, shield title, armor title, boots)that could boost wisdom for druid.
11-04-19 20:21
vafunculo: I may be powerful, but as I have started many many times, I started out like everyone else at level 1, and it was pvp then.. I was constantly pk, but I still was able to level up...also if you notice I am only able to fight about 7 or 8 other players that are in my bracket....every fight on my record except 3 are from fighting idiot terror, I duel him because he only player in my bracket that is even a challenge at this time.. I don't go hunting weaker players..if I wanted to do that I would be hunting everyone else besides terror. I had nothing to do with pvp change aside from stating my opinion, I had no decision making power like you seem to think I was dreamers decision.
11-04-19 20:36
vafunculo: and as far as wisdom boosting items go, I see most druid have over 100 wisdom and dex..druids are ruling in pvp...they most certainly do not need more power, necro maybe, but not druid
11-04-19 20:39
vafunculo: how much wisdom should a level 60 or 70 druid have? over 100 is not enough? on top of the fact that druid has highest damage spells already
11-04-19 20:42
vafunculo: now lets look at barbarian, who has no magic attack, fair to them to over power a druid?.druids have guaranteed damage every round..they are quite powerful enough
11-04-19 20:44
bork: top pvp
1. morph necro
2. kirzt barb
3. shiva druid
4. stonerockbatwo druid
5. fuji druid
6. cloudztrifer pal
7. diablo14 barb
8. scenario druid
9. macha barb
10. izanagi druid
11. krolitiko pal
12. bro barb
13. warl0ck druid
14. deathnote113 druid
15. smash pal
16. garuda pal
17. ueki09 druid
18. -cyr4x- barb
19. robotchicken druid
20. widowmkr pal

9- druid
5- barb
5- paladin
1- necro

top 20
1. vafunculo
2. nitecrew
3. idiot_terror
4. minion
5. syrex
6. lightning
7. asylem
8. deathnote13
9. warlock
10. muttleyaxe
11. bork
12. diablo14
13. cloudztrifer
14. xarcjex
15. scenario
16. m0rk
17. darkdymon
18. kirzt
19. exodus
20. most1ted

most are paladin. so most paladin can top pvp. i personally dont have the urge to pk lower levels within my bracket "FOR NOW". If many of you share the same thought . pvp ranking will be most likely the way it is currently shown. but lets say all of us in the top20 go all out. paladin would dominate the pvp ranking. and the reason why there are lesser druid players is that they are not given fair resources.
11-04-19 21:10
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