rustygheto: I dont think thats a good idea bro. in pvp we attack people while doing quests. now there is no chance at surviving an attack while on quests.
11-04-21 18:03
rustygheto: Pvp and unit ranks is not a good mix to just throw people into though. i barely killed any quests yesterday with all the greedy people that just run in and attack people
11-04-21 18:05
nitrogen: hi, i think theres a bug, since updating ranking monster, why? Because no one drop good items, or even a pieces

its been 4hrs kiling monster, i get nothing good, unlike the other day, i can get at least pieces, just stating my opinion
11-04-21 19:16
juggalodruid: I love it gives new depth to lvling and building chars...the idea that every monster was the exact same never made since anyways lol i mean some elfs should be stronger than others and have better gear...kinda like a specilst.....this and the pvp aspect has reawakened the game and made it more open ended
11-04-21 19:30
khalebz: i have red all sugestion in last update. dreamer made d game not 2 easy. his hardwork fulfill our enjoymnt.making our leisure more resourceful. y we dnt say thnk you 2 all d updates tht he does instead of saying nnsense and start arguing. i knw we r all in diffrnt culture n belief but we all have a heart to feel d hurtings tht other causes. dreamer hurts too. giv him the time 2 thnk nt 2 force hm mke d game ruined. all problemz hve solution n argument wil end when we talk in good manner.
11-04-21 21:27