Ideas » check this, pvp results
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sepsis: ;D Awww! You would do that just for ME?! You are a big, warm, fuzzy teddy bear Vaf! *smooch* -rofl-
11-04-23 02:39
vafunculo: maybe we could have a pk sepsis counter :P
11-04-23 01:16
vafunculo: what you call unnecessary sepsis others call fun
11-04-22 23:09
sepsis: Unnecessary. This idea does not promote the game in any way. All this would be is an "ego massage" for PKers who want their name 'up in lights'. -rofl-
11-04-22 05:36
ajgma: it might flood the chat i think.
11-04-21 19:42
vafunculo: I just had this idea, what about an announcement on the chat on who just defeated who in latest battle? not the fight details just for example...player Xhas defeated player Y.
11-04-21 15:55
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