Off-topic » easter gifts
skill-invincible: haha
22-01-18 20:10
chops: this isnt easter gifts. its about a dude who got crown royal whiskey got drunk and started this thread.
11-04-25 23:11
ovrmykne: Lol bro I was bored and browsing forums and just wondered if most of the mods knew what that title meant.:D. Also thought a new item like a ncs would allow those clan members to change names to reflect membership. Like I said it was late and the easter bunny brought crown.
11-04-24 22:38
lightning: What ? Im sorry but i dont understand bro
11-04-23 22:25
ovrmykne: I would like mods to get a wiki dictionary in basket and look up title.
Lvl 50 pk only higher cool.
Ncs scolls = change name to clan first abbr aka locdoor redlight theoutcast
11-04-23 11:48
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