smash: turn off the speaker lmao
11-04-29 05:32
nipz: No way! Sometimes those people are really funny. Especially when they sing, and sound like a raccoon dying in a garbage disposal.. Lmao
11-04-29 05:48
smash: lol just hide out then find a good spot then shoot ppl as they go past that way u can hear them cry lol
11-04-29 05:50
nipz: Hmmm.. Might do that. Lol. R3d hates it when people camp like that.
11-04-29 05:53
smashu: thats becuz u cant kill them lol. i kno the best spot ever in cod modern warfare 2 for campers but that doesnt help u much lol. and tell r3d to do it back to them
11-04-29 05:55
nipz: He does. He's gotten into the habit of sniping everyone off. Lol
11-04-29 06:06