Off-topic » Black ops
smash: lol thats they second best tactic. i do that then once they find out where i am i move and take out my scar or an assult rifle and noob tube evry1 till im out then i snipe again
11-04-29 06:10
nipz: Lmao. Noob tubing is awesome
11-04-29 06:13
smash: i kno i am beast at it. i like using the shotguns to at close range no1 can beat me unless thay have a tac knife
11-04-29 06:26
nipz: You're one of those players that r3d can't stand. Lmao. Camper, noob tuber, and a shotgun user. Rotfl
11-04-29 06:29
smash: hah lol it works tho. lol i also use snipers and assulat rifles lol im good at everything on modern warfare 2 and black ops i just like modern warfare 2 better
11-04-29 06:33
prototype: BFBC2 > BO/MW2 . I have both and BFBC2 is the best IMO. But Zombie mode is fun with friends :)
11-05-05 00:40
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