General » GreeK ThreaD
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doomcry: Oloi osoi eiste apo ellada as postarete oti sas apasxoli sxetika me to game.An itan dinaton na ftiaxname kai mia dikia mas clan........!!!!
11-04-28 17:11
smash: greek kinda looks wierd o.O
11-04-28 19:52
kingsta: Ikr but not as wierd as polish and russian
11-04-28 20:40
smash: idk about that it looks wierder then polish not sure about russian
11-04-28 20:42
kingsta: Lol russian got wierd symbols and stuff look it up i saw it on aoho before
11-04-28 20:52
doomcry: I thing im alone here ouaaaaaa klaps klaps!!!!!!!!!!
11-04-29 00:02
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