Ideas » Stamina levels
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smash: no increase the amount that comes back by 1 or 2% not 3 thats to much
11-05-02 01:12
blaze: ok how bout each lvl you get, stam comes back faster? each lvl it goes up by 3% or something
11-05-02 01:06
blaze: well no it should slow way down. that would keep it balanced
11-05-01 21:19
shdwmstr: That would be a great idea but if ur lvl 40 plus it would take a while to pop stamina lvls but if u was to add 10percent per lvl then be worth it
11-05-01 04:39
muttleyaxe: Good idea. I do believe dreamer is looking into something like that. But, don't quote me on it.
11-05-01 03:35
smash: not a bad idea i guess
11-05-01 01:14
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