Ideas » pvp fights to death
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ern: pvp should be until smn dies cuz now endurance has no point in pvp
11-05-01 20:55
kenron: No way dude. It shouldn't be that way. How bout those low level characters w/o good equips? They would just always die and level up wud b so hard coz pipol wud just always kill newbies like me.
11-06-19 00:58
deathdealer: shold be to the death once u reach 25
11-06-19 02:00
_vayne_: the whole battle system needs changed slightly as like you say endurance has no meaning at all.. if you only had 10hp the oponent could have 10000 and if he misses 3 times and you sneak 1dam its a victory to an almost certain loser if the fight were to continue.. also today i won a battle that i died in just because i did more damage.. its just wrong lol
11-06-24 02:23
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