Ideas » generating key and a gatekeeper
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mamenss23: i mean like a dungeon...hehe...
11-05-12 19:41
mamenss23: and one more thing there should be 100 mnsters inside that u nid to kill..and the monsters should be tuff.....
11-05-03 18:29
mamenss23: sorry for it if i made it like this cus im using my phone 120 characters/words is the maximum..hehe..plss read bigening
11-05-03 18:26
mamenss23: no item will drop to the mnsters..jst an exp no golds too..but that exp is not big mybe 75% of the original monsters exp
11-05-03 18:24
mamenss23: and wen u enter ul find a alots of mnsters thats suites ur lvl..u can go out if u die and log out..
11-05-03 18:22
mamenss23: and u nid to survive so that u will be given extra exp and random nc item..u cant use any potions wen ur inside
11-05-03 18:21
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