Ideas » Guides
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idiot_terror: I like people explore things themselves than telling them what to do. :)
11-05-10 09:33
ern: well yeah, but there are many games, which have guides created by players and thats really comfortable.
11-05-09 23:20
smash: its simple just ask one of the mods or me i can tell u what items to get for watever lvl and where to look and tell u the odds of getting them
11-05-09 22:57
ern: players should be able create guides, and get creds for it. To all noobs(like me) guides would be great, cuz now is realy hard to know what items are best for x level x race, how much items are really worth, how level up faster or whick skills upgrade for x race.
11-05-08 15:20
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