Ideas » teleport scrolls
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smash3: it would be kinda cool if u could make scrolls that could teleport u to a certain location. like i mean a scroll to teleport u to gorgon lair lvl 2 or demon gate lvl 2 or anywhere else and then u could sell them for 1 credits a piece
11-05-09 23:57
smash3: when i mean u could sell them for 1 credits a piece i mean dreamer could
11-05-10 00:05
smash3: u wont be able to get them off drops or anything
11-05-10 00:06
mamenss23: but thers already a teleport option in credits menu...
11-05-10 04:28
paly2: yea but this would be cheaper and more ppl might buy them
11-05-10 05:28
m0b0: teleport stone topic was created already by bork, item as an idea is not supposed to be created according to the topic pinned
11-05-11 01:04
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