pony: The 'reward' seems to be of far less value than the items that the task requires you to gather together... The supposed easy level is NOT easy. It does not seem to be giving realistic tasks to players, according to their character level. And, really, where is the challenge in buying an unattainable item from the Marketplace or another, higher level player? SMH This update needs some tweaking.
11-05-12 09:22
paly2: btw my other char is a lvl 21 paladi named uhsam
11-05-11 22:04
paly2: yea lol it wants my other char to get dam choas hydra titled quilted armor lol i thought this was supposed to go according to lvl?
11-05-11 22:03
-cyr4x-: Completing task is really hard.. We dont want to destroy our item for a 24 hour boost only.. Lmao.. So im waiting to some trash item required for a task.. Lmao
11-05-11 21:03
ern: poly, yes all the items will be destroyed. Sylar i think its for single use, what would be the meaning of 24hours if u would be able to use it all the time?
11-05-11 18:14
sylar_21: ei dreamer,, are this jewels for single use only,, or just like gems can be crafted to a weapon.. thanks thanks..
11-05-11 12:39
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