Announcements » Tasks
idiot_terror: Forgot to asked. If we complete the hardcore difficulty, could we get more jewels or better jewel?
11-05-10 20:45
dreamer: ern is right. No, it doesn't change your current drops.
11-05-10 18:09
ern: @nitrogen if i understand right, jewels is something like auras or buffs, with them u will may be able to kill quest units or annoying players wich attacks u wheneve see u.
11-05-10 18:09
nitrogen: thanks for the updates :) im just wondering if task make the item more harder to get? Sample, im hunting manticore amulet for 2days now,then i saw manticore amulet in the task.and kindly explain what do jewels do? :) why temporary?
11-05-10 17:12
dreamer: ravager, thanks for the kind words! I appreciate it.
Sorry, it's the other way round, I've fixed the mistype.
11-05-10 16:30
ravager: Dreamer, forgive me for mentioning you by your nick. Well, that's all I have been doing since I don't know your name.
I'd like to thank you for adding more and more amazing sides to the game. You have taken this game to a whole new level. This is not the only online role playing game I have played. I have played many. If I start naming them, the list shall go on and on. But Dreamer, among all the game admins I have seen and talked to, you are indeed the most sincere one. You have not only created a credit free server such as this one, but you are also working very very hard to make this game more exciting.
Long Live Blackdragon!
I hope this game shall never die like the others.
By the way, I didn't understand something about tasks. In the information page, you wrote: "If Hydra's chaos armor is required, then any Chaos armor will be accepted". If a title is required then any title will be accepted? O.o It seemed very confusing to me
11-05-10 16:21
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