Ideas » Expansion land and new item,
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br0nt0c: How bout this guys, introduction of newzone with new mOnsters, but you cannot enter if you doNt have a key for that land,, and this key also comes in pieces so need to completed to enter a certain area and dropped randoMly by mOnsters..
11-05-12 19:46
br0nt0c: And the gates for this be found in battle arena area.. What do you thnk.. Please post comment..
11-05-12 19:48
muttleyaxe: I kinda like that idea. And, shouldn't be too hard to implement. I like the idea of crafting the key, too. Very good idea! I support it.
11-05-12 21:05
smash: cool idea but i think mamen said something very similar
11-05-13 03:12
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