Off-topic » What would you do if you were to die within 24hours
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antvenom: i would pass down my life to god and tell my family and my gf that i love them and goodbye then i would die and watch over them
13-06-11 01:04
ladyofthewoods: the impORTant ThING to say Is nw V r ALIVE n V ShouLD DO soMETHin 4 our Planet -duh- -archer- -elf-
13-06-11 22:40
ben-dover: i would break every cammandment for fun
13-06-13 04:35
unknown00: make miracle with my gf -rofl-
13-06-15 05:11
opszombi9999: save le world from the god of destruction
13-06-23 08:34
dragon1girl: Do the most illegal stuff like kill the hated try out illega drugs have the crazinest best party in the world meet rich ppl and steal their money and buy me ticket to asia :D
13-06-25 06:54
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