Off-topic » What would you do if you were to die within 24hours
Read from end
robbie: i would become immortal so i could live forever
13-05-05 00:36
dragon1girl: i'd do the craziest stuff illegal and legal i'd wake up still alive without anyone but me ramembering the day
13-05-05 02:13
tr3ck: i would go tell my crush, sage i love her then commit suicide
13-05-05 05:50
night_elf: I'll play blackdragon!
13-05-26 00:13
melkor: i would listen to AWESOME halo music and play vidio games all day. then as i'm dying i would get in a 60's sedan, and drive to califona on the run from the cops. then whem i crash off a road, my car will go into a tumble of glory. but some peolple will stop to help me and i will say: " theres 60,000,000 cheese unda a big dubeeU!!!!"
13-05-26 21:06
cavs-rule: i would try and blow up a wonder of the world... or bomb a race
13-05-27 04:47
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