Ideas » transfering accounts to other people
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widowmkr: Gheto i agree an disagree. Like muttley said it ok to buy that chr gear. If u dont build a chr then it doesnt mean as much its there lose. We got to many rules now. Cant swear cant argue in chat cant hackle people when u pvp. Wth enough rules
11-05-22 01:29
elipsis: yes, im disagree too. Why need to make an rule about this? the owner of account have a rights and he/she have a choice if he/she decide to give or sell his/her account. This is rpg game u know that. Lol.
11-05-19 15:37
muttleyaxe: To be honest, I disagree, Sorry. It's not much different than buying the gear off another player or if you have other characters, transferring your old gear to your lower level characters. It happens all the time and is just part of the game. Competition is competition, regardless.
11-05-18 02:00
rustygheto: If you cant build it you shouldnt play it. i suggest makeing it against the rules for anybody to use a character they did not build
11-05-16 02:36
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