smash: i can name a few ppl who have predicted the end of the world. nostradamus,jesus,the mayans etc. now tell me which one of them was right?
11-05-21 07:30
smash: i think thats some bull to lol whos to say that the mayans just got tired of making calenders? im mean they were only like what 712 years in the future? maybe they tought ahhh fk it once it hits 2000 something we'll start making them again lmao
11-05-21 05:43
chops: mayan calender predicts Dec 21 2012. on this date is when milkway , earth and sun line up. is the end of days.
11-05-21 03:16
smash: actually chops every 150000 thousand years the poles shift and the magnetic north becomes the magnetic south
11-05-20 22:11
idiot_terror: Well, it's 21 now here, nothing happens yet lol. Yesterday, I spent the whole day out with my girlfriend. Just in case
11-05-20 19:51
chops: besides that everyday you wake up, open your eyes is one day closer to the end of your life. so enjoy ! plan your life as if your gonna live forever, live life as if it is your last day. lol
11-05-20 14:08
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