chops: another gloom and doomsday is Dec 21 2012. the milkyway and earth and sun line up. 1st time in forever. this will cause a polor shift. but history will show there is alot doomsday end of the world dates.
11-05-20 13:51
chops: its called the rapture. this is when all christian are taken off this world. and the tribulation takes place. if im spelling tribulation correct. you can find this in the last book of the bible, jesus say i shall come like a theif in the night. nobody shall the time or place. something like that, read it yourself. but do i beleave may 21 to be the end. i say no!
11-05-20 13:36
smash: its all bs some dude looked in one bible and then looked in another religons bible or watever and added some things together and said "hmm looks like were gonna die 5/21/11"
11-05-20 07:47
lightning: So who all thinks the world will end saturday ? Myself im getting ready just in case . I butchered a cow and made about 200 lbs of jerky . Got me some seeds and a hand pump for the well in case the power goes out . And 100 gallons of diesel for the generator in case the power goes out . Better safe than sorry
11-05-20 04:45
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