Off-topic » End of the World
Read from beginning
teeta: Aw dang. We only got rain last night. :(
11-06-23 05:12
lightning: Yes finally ! Rain last nite and a whole lot more today .
11-06-23 03:44
teeta: lightning, did you get rain last night? we got a gully washer. Since it started raining before midnight I thought that the world might end in a flood... :D
11-06-22 22:06
lightning: Well another end of the world has come and gone . And yet we remain .
11-06-22 19:36
teeta: So what time is the world supposed to end today? I want to be sleeping when it happens so I can wake up dead... :D
11-06-21 13:24
teeta: Yup.
11-06-12 07:21
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