Off-topic » End of the World
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kingsta: i doubt it i got my own reasons that proofs that 2012 world ends its a wrong prediction
11-12-10 13:24
magrinhopjpr: the END OF WORLD its almost happening!
11-12-21 00:45
epicdude: "The end of the world will not occur in 2012. Why? My pudding expires in 2013." -I Forget
11-12-22 04:10
garbaty-aniol: Whoever started this part of forum needs a ******* slap... THE WORLD WILL NOT END IN 2012... I will just get my GCSEs then... You wanna tell me I spent all of that I school for nothing?? :P
11-12-27 12:21
crimson-princess: oww so sad, my what will happen to my bd char then? -rofl-
12-01-18 12:22
gimli: the world wont end....
12-01-23 13:15
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