Ideas » Clan market place
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kiros: mabey im wrong but even a clan storage area where a clan could lend each other gear without hassle.. say you put yourspare gear for members to use but it still belongs to whoever put it there.. mabey set a limmet to space as 5-1member
11-07-03 23:43
the_death_dealer: a clan storage makes much more sense aswell as make it upgradeable
11-07-03 22:26
judgement: A seperate marketplace for clans makes absolutely no sense. The current marketplace is more than capable of allowing clan members to sell each other gear. And fyi if ur own clan is selling u gear then u dont have a worthwhile clan!
11-07-03 22:00
kiros: wow judgement.. you won the award for biggest tool ive seen on the game so far.. of course a clan market place is a good idea.. right now clans offer very little.. a clan marketplace would make clans more desirable to join.. right now there is no point in clans
11-07-03 16:32
judgement1: Clans have worked together n survived since they started without a market place.
11-07-03 08:38
judgement1: Dumb dumb dumb. You wanna help each other in clan..u meet and trade..sheeeesh!! Or use current marketplace for sell options.
11-07-03 08:36
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