Ideas » "New kind of task?"
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baditude: Good idea. What about making it possible, just barely... to clear all the monsters from an area on the map? And giving a suitable reward for achieving that Task?
11-05-27 02:24
deltawolf: theres my vote
11-05-25 12:10
zhypmk: Got my vote great idea
11-05-25 11:23
kingsta: U got my vote
11-05-25 03:14
smash: good idea
11-05-23 04:04
armor: I'm just thinking if dreamer can also add a new kind of task where a player must kill a particular monster before the given deadline to complete a task. For example: Kill 150 pegasus in 7 days. Level must also be considered. Any rank will be counted. Rewards may vary. Maybe gold, experience, monster titled item or even gems and jewels. What do you think?
11-05-22 14:51
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