ramius2: It needs to be undestood right now that if you put an item into the market and it sells that moderators or dreamer can NOT make a player return an item. if you dont price it properly or dont like the bid it sold at there is NOTHING we can do. check your minimum bid and buy it now price before clicking confirm.
11-05-25 07:29
shdwmstr: Exactly and if u dont wanna sell an item do not put it in market for storage
11-05-25 07:42
ueki09: I think dreamer will not agree with this cause i also experiend this and pmed him he said that its my fault..
11-05-25 07:44
ramius2: ueki this post was in reference to what i sent you a pm about earlier.
11-05-25 07:50
muttleyaxe: The fact is, mods can't fix market issues. And yes, always check what u are doing when selling items.
11-05-25 08:15
shdwmstr: We do not control the marketplace at all so be smart bout how u use it and pay attn if u put a stamina pot for 1 gold buy instead of credit thats not us mods or dreamers job to replace it or get it back for u (just an example) so be smart people.
11-05-25 10:19