mamenss23: yeah..u should check wat ur selling and its option on how u wantd ur item to be sold..
11-05-25 15:35
aladin2: Thing is, somehow, maybe becauze of cache or maybe becauze of cookies, when i type a number in one of the forms, the other one automaticly fills with the number from last transaction. for example if now i sell x item for starting price 10 and buy it now price 15, than if i want to sell other item with starting price 10 the buy it now field fills automaticly with 15.
11-05-26 20:21
muttleyaxe: Check ur settings for ur browser and do not use browser back button or auto-complete.
11-05-28 13:16
idiot_terror: Yeah, don't press back button. Instead use reload/refresh.
11-05-28 14:23
lapu-lapu: sellin items in mp sumtyms sucks.. lots of tyms ive put items in cred checked it twice if its in cred b4 cnfirming but then twas sold 4 gold..
11-06-05 12:35