Announcements » DIABLO Character?
lzrdking: One more thing sic=Tok3r r u outa weed an just gotta whine about something. Poor baby nobody understand roflmao i do ur a whiny little girl .
11-10-11 04:06
lzrdking: Lol by the way for your info thats how a clan works give gear to the next guy and help them up o an one of ur clan members gave me my weapon an my daughter gave me helm as bd present . C some of us played another game together an are friends lol not my fault no one likes u . The people who gave me stuff knew knew that i would use it to level up . There are countless ppl ive helped with gear in this game . But u dont like wat i say there is always dreamer u can whine to. Of course the b.... Buddies should get u a nice little ban punk.
11-10-11 03:58
lzrdking: It was meant to be a joke fool" a god "u just read the parts u wanted any1 reading it would c that except u . Now ive wasted enough words on a nothing now or ever lol. Goddbye L
11-10-11 03:46
lightning: Lol ok .
11-10-11 01:22
el_sicario: No disrespect to you lightning, I know you put in a hell of a lot of work to get the where you are, but when some dumbest thinks he's some sort of god that he deserves a class named after himself, that where I draw the line. Lzrd wouldn't be anything without all his hand me downs.
11-10-11 01:03
lightning: But if you need gear just pm me . Ive helped loc with gear just as they have helped me when i needed something .
11-10-10 23:26
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