Announcements » Premium account
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teeta: I've given this quite a bit of thought and I have a suggestion. My suggestion will probably be shot down in flames by some, but it would be nice if you consider it before you take aim and fire...

First, let me say this: You have stated that most of the changes that you have made which the players don't like were made from necessity, in order to keep the game free. The way it appears to me is that you'll never make very much money selling credits, because most people don't or can't buy credits. Most of the credits that are currently in circulation were bought by a very small minority of players and the rest were earned in one way or another by other players. So, some people who have credits did not BUY the credits, therefore you have not made any money from those credits...

What I propose is that you add another option... Make it possible for those who have access to PayPal and/or have credit cards, to buy a SUBSCRIPTION for premium supporter status. Make it cost about what it would cost to play other WAP games. An example is Shade. I play Shade on a Virgin Mobile phone. To be able to play Shade, I have to pay: USD $3.99 per month for Games Lite in order to gain access to Shade. I think that USD $5.00 per month would be a reasonable fee to charge for a Black Dragon Premium Supporter subscription. I think that the people who have access to PayPal and/or credit cards wouldn't have a problem with paying a monthly subscription fee. And you would be making money directly from the sale of subscriptions for Premium Supporter. Anyway, thanks for reading this lengthy post.
11-06-10 11:25
dreamer: Premium has the same features as supporter + additional ones as mentioned.
11-06-10 08:14
idiot_terror: Can we have supporter and premium status at the same time and does it make 500 items capacity in storage? :]
11-06-10 05:13
lightning: Im going to do it when i have enough credits just for the 32 item inventory . Not having to scroll past the ads is also gonna be nice
11-06-10 04:52
dreamer: Comments/suggestion here.
11-06-09 21:36
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