Ideas » New spell for druid
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kiros: i dont think its possible the way the battle system works.. but you could make poison and pretend the battle lasted a certain amount of time.. but really its still just a set amount of dam unless you made a random battletime generater aswell
11-06-26 18:48
deathdealer: a dps poisen spell wold be nice but be hard to implement status effects but be highly worth it
11-06-26 06:19
idiot_terror: What's the use of Titans lightning bolt?
11-06-21 15:38
warlic: There should be a new spell for druid that is air type because its really hard for us to defeat a player that has bigger prot. earth or make a spell that adds dex and absorb protection from any elements at the same time.
11-06-21 15:27
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