Ideas » a few little problems with an excellent game
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_vayne_: battles are just wrong.. i won a fight that i died in and the oponent walked away one item down.. life leach, heal and mana shield alough reducing damage taken, dont effect winners of battles either.. even if i recieve no damage at all i can lose a fight.. potion shops especialy need fixed so you can pick what potions your buying instead of just whats available at the time.(i think spells should be like that too but ill leave that) and lastly pvp battles should be +5 or -5 lvls not +10 like it can be.. +5 is still a big advantage
11-06-24 02:32
idiot_terror: PvP level gap are not by 10. It's by brackets. And believe me, you wouldn't like it if it's only 5 levels gap. :)
11-06-24 20:45
kiros: well the brackets now are 10-19 20-29 30-39 and so on.. a lvl 19 person has got 9stats on a lvl 10 its not right.. but at the same time a lvl20 person has a big advantage on a lvl 19 through the way towns are worked.. but i notice you have nothing to say about the rest of what i wrote lol
11-06-25 15:52
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