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the_death_dealer: i agree with kiros it wold also be nice if the description wold tell u wat it does a lil more defined
11-07-03 22:31
kiros: judgement seiriously your either stuipid or missing the point.. i had one weapon and havnt spent 6month+ playing the game.. until you get a scroll and use it there is no way f knowing it can change your weapons class and lvl requirements.. its ok for you as youve scrolled countless items.. but your not personally gonna donate enough money to keep this game going.. little things like that make games more or less enjoyable and for the sake of 10mins work (if that) i would change it.. all it has to say is "this may change you items lvl requirements and class" on the scrolls page in items.. and as for no needing a backup weapon your really well off.. wtf was i supposed to do.. headbutt the monsters to death.. i had one weapon.. were on s2.. things arnt easy to come by here.. if id known id of waited until i had something other than my forhead to fight with befor scrolling my only weapon.. its not like you need more than one unless your scrolling items
11-07-03 16:46
judgement1: lmao I only wish I could title something my level or higher. U have a few options. First save it for when u reach the level required. Second, sell or trade it for a weapon u can use. U dont need a " backup " weapon on this game. It doesnt wear out and u cant lose it unless u sell or destroy it urself.
11-07-03 08:18
kiros: lol.. im not saying its not a good weapon.. just that it would have been nice to of known it was a possibility that if im lucky/unlucky my item may become to good for my lvl.. i have a weapon to use now but it took a day to find almost.. i couldnt fight all day.. had there been warning of this id of been prepared for it hapening..
11-06-28 02:19
idiot_terror: Still. It's just on luck and chances. You're lucky to get that title but too bad you can't wear it :]
11-06-27 18:33
kiros: my first ever scroll did it.. i was lvl 41 when it happend.. i know of 2 others thats made the exact same mistake on this server.. and one of thems ranked 1st
11-06-27 13:36
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