Ideas » taking potions
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kiros: everytime i go to refill my health i forget how many potions i have and need to take.. a simple health and mana meter at the top of the screen when taking potions to remind idiots like me whats needing to be took still.. or better yet a multiple item using tool so you can say click on a box next to 3 or however many you want to use and it takes them all in one go would be great
11-06-27 01:59
judgement1: There is a meter at the bottom of the page that tells u how much health, mana, and stamina u have. After every battle its there with ur current amount following that battle.
11-07-03 08:25
kiros: go take a potion and then tell me theres a meter.. im not blind
11-07-03 16:34
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