Ideas » Monsters that drops ring and amulet
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kiros: i know what your saying but if every monsterdropped name version of there gear gorgans could still drop gorgan heavy boots or gorgan daggers.. its not a garentee that you will get the high lvl drops. just a named one
11-07-03 23:47
judgement: It has no use because u have outgrown the need for it. However there are other players that could use the items dropped. smh!
11-07-03 22:06
kiros: no hes saying they only drop named items.. hes not saying make them drop them at the same rate as normal weapon drops.. id be happy with it being left as is but i still think it would be better.. half the crap monsters drop has no use anyway.. and they would still drop scrolls and other usfull items.. just no crap of mana (I)s no more
11-07-03 16:51
judgement1: So ur suggesting that every mighty gorgon should drop titled ring?. Then every1 would have 1 and the hunt for them would be useless. I disagree with this idea. Leave things the way u have them dreamer.
11-07-03 08:10
deathdealer: agree
11-06-29 02:20
devil_hunter: I agree with that-good-
11-06-28 13:20
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