Ideas » ] Premium User Lands [
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deathdealer: Creds cant be droped but wat wold be nice is beter drop rate on gud gear aswell as more exp and gold and maybe a new monster with new rings and amulets aswell as a new gem mine exclusive to premium a gem for every element example ( firestone level 5 +5% fire protection)
11-07-01 09:14
kiros: i like the idea alot.. not the cred drops because that would just be dumb on dreamers part as creds are his income.. but right now i want to buy priemium i just dont see the point.. the benifits of priemium are none existant.. if there was a priemium userland space with better xp and better quality drops it would make it worth buying priemium.. alough making it to good for priemium users is also an issue.. but as is id rarther buy 2 scrolls and 5 stam pots out the market.. id benefit more
11-07-03 17:05
idiot_terror: The purpose of Premium is the "no ads and banner shown". Those Ads sometimes cause trouble in loading a page.
11-07-03 19:45
idiot_terror: If you want good Exp. Buy Frenzy, that benefit you more than 2 scrolls and 5 stamina potions -duh- -v-
11-07-03 19:49
kiros: i do buy frenzy.. the bonus well outways both scrolls and priemium.. but were taking about making premium better not bettering priemium
11-07-03 23:50
scarrs: 'i like the idea of element Protection gems. 'but it will affect our stats in S/D/E/W gems thing~ we need an expansion.
11-07-04 07:41
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