Ideas » Make more level bracket tasks!
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clefspeare: I really enjoyed the tasks that dreamer added when he opened server 2. Why can't we have even more level bracket tasks? I mean, tasks for levels 1-19, levels 20-39, levels 40-59, levels 60-79, etc. They don't have to be the same exact tasks as we have right now, maybe new and different tasks to add challenge and interest to the game, with similar rewards. (gold, experience, stat pops for Str, Dex, Wis and End) So, what do you think?
11-07-04 00:25
teeta: If you mean tutorials, I like the idea! Maybe for lvl 20-39, 40-59, 60-79, etc. And yeah, the rewards should be like the tutorials rewards. Good idea!
11-07-04 00:31
clefspeare: Thanks :D
11-07-04 00:35
invictus: I like this idea. I enjoyed doing the tutorials too.
11-07-04 00:42
clefspeare: yes i ment tutorial lol sorry
11-07-04 00:53
athena1: Great idea they are alot of fun..
11-07-04 01:06
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